
Translation Strings

Translation strings allow you to define text in multiple languages for use in a Cakedesk template.

Define translations in your template.json file using the strings property. They can then be accessed using the t() helper.

#Template.json Example

	"name": "A Template with Translations",
	"strings": {
		"tax": {
			"de": "Steuer",
			"en": "Tax"
		"thank_you_for_your_trust": {
			"de": "Danke für dein Vertrauen!",
			"en": "Thank you for your trust!"

#EJS Example

Use the strings above in your template.ejs file like so:

<p><%= t('thank_you_for_your_trust') %></p>

#Supported Languages

Currently, Cakedesk supports the following languages:

  • English (en)
  • German (de)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • Hungarian (hu)
  • Swedish (sv)
  • Finnish (fi)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Polish (pl)
  • Slovenian (sl)

If you require support for additional languages, please reach out to me!

#Built-In Strings

The following strings are built into Cakedesk and do not need to be defined in your template.json file. But you can override them if you wish.

    "amount": "Amount",
    "an_error_occurred_reading_the_template_file": "An error occurred reading the template file.",
    "an_error_occurred_rendering_this_template": "An error occurred rendering this template.",
    "client": "Client",
    "clientID": "Client ID",
    "clientIDShort": "Client ID",
    "date": "Date",
    "description": "Description",
    "email": "Email",
    "error": "Error",
    "invoice": "Invoice",
    "invoiceDate": "Invoice date",
    "invoiceID": "Invoice ID",
    "invoiceIDShort": "Invoice ID",
    "invoiceTotal": "Invoice total",
    "pay_to": "Pay to",
    "phone": "Phone",
    "proposal": "Proposal",
    "proposalDate": "Proposal date",
    "proposalID": "Proposal ID",
    "proposalIDShort": "Proposal ID",
    "quantity": "Quantity",
    "subtotal": "Subtotal",
    "total": "Total",
    "unitPrice": "Unit Price",
    "vat": "VAT",
    "vatID": "VAT ID",
    "taxID": "Tax ID",
    "website": "Website",
    "invoice_proudly_created_using": "This invoice was proudly created using",
    "proposal_proudly_created_using": "This proposal was proudly created using",
    "itemNumber": "Item number",
    "pay_with_qr_code": "Pay with QR code",
    "creditNote": "Credit Note"