
ID Formats

In Cakedesk, every client, invoice and proposal has a unique ID.

You can change the format of these IDs under Settings for Clients, Invoices and Proposals.

Cakedesk invoice settings showing off a custom ID format.

#Built-In ID Formats

The following ID formats are built-in:

Name Example Syntax
Year-based 2023-001 {yyyy}-{###,y}
Month-based 2023-06-01 {yy}-{mm}-{##,m}
Client-based (invoices/proposals only) 1679527124-001 {clientId}-{###,c}
Counter (3 digits) 001 {###}
Counter (6 digits) 000001 {######}
Timestamp 1679527124 {ts}

#Custom ID-Formats

You can also create completely custom ID formats by using one or more placeholders.

Always make sure to include some kind of counter, otherwise Cakedesk can't autogenerate unique IDs.

Name Example Syntax
Year (4 digits) 2023 {yyyy}
Year (2 digits) 23 {yy}
Month 03 {mm}
Counter 001 {###} (number of # symbols determines the padding)
Yearly counter 0001 {####,y} (number of # symbols determines the padding)
Monthly counter 0001 {####,m} (number of # symbols determines the padding)
Daily counter 0001 {####,d} (number of # symbols determines the padding)
Client-based counter (invoices/proposals only) 0001 {####,c} (number of # symbols determines the padding)
UNIX timestamp 1679527124 {ts}