€69 €49 Frohes neues Jahr! Nur diese Woche: €20 sparen! 00h 00m 00s


Helper Functions

The following helper functions are available in the template.ejs file of invoice and proposal templates.


Returns a translated string for key.

t (key: string): string


Returns a formatted date string, respecting the language of the invoice/proposal.

formatDate (date: string): string


Returns a formatted money value, respecting the language of the invoice/proposal and the currency of the money value.

formatMoneyValue (value: MoneyValue): string


Returns a string containing the quantity of an item and its unit label in the correct language of the invoice or proposal. If the language of the invoice or proposal is not part of the unit's labels, it will fallback to show the unit in another language.

formatQuantity (quantity: number, unit: Unit | null): string


// item.unit is a unit for "hours":
formatQuantity(1, item.unit) // "1 Hour"

// item.unit is a unit for "days":
formatQuantity(2, item.unit) // "2 Days"

// item.unit is null
formatQuantity(2, item.unit) // "2"


Returns a unit's plural or singular label in the correct language of the invoice or proposal. If the language of the invoice or proposal is not part of the unit's labels, it will fallback to show the unit in another language.

formatUnit is used internally by formatQuantity and can be used to show only the label of a unit.

formatUnit (quantity: number, unit: Unit | null): string


// item.unit is a unit for "hours":
formatUnit(1, item.unit) // "Hour"

// item.unit is a unit for "days":
formatUnit(2, item.unit) // "Days"

// item.unit is null
formatUnit(2, item.unit) // ""


Joins together an array of strings by a given separator, skipping falsey values.

join (strings: Array, separator: string): string


join(['Hello', '', 'World', undefined], ' • ') // "Hello • World"


Joins together the components of an address by a given separator, skipping falsey values.

This helper handles several known address formats, such as German, US and UK addresses.

join (strings: Array, separator: string): string


join(invoice.seller.address, ' • ') // "Company Name • Some street 76 • 99999 Berlin • Germany"


Returns the name of the country, respecting the language of the invoice/proposal.

countryCode (code: string): string


Returns the value of the given custom field.

field (fieldName: string): any


The popular clsx function for generating class names.